Lantern includes a POS Extension for viewing customer loyalty details directly in Shopify POS. It also allows a merchant to take loyalty action in person like allowing a customer to redeem points right at the cash, complete and earn event, correct points balances, and have a customer opt-into the loyalty program.
Setting it up
To enable the extension:
Go into the Shopify POS channel in the Shopify Admin
Go to Settings -> General -> POS Apps -> Lantern
Under "Customize this app" find "Customer details" and press "Add"
The extension will now be available within the Customer profile in the Shopify POS app.
Using the extension
To use the extension open the customer's details in POS by either searching and selecting them in the "Customers" tab, or by tapping their name in the cart if they are already added to it.
There are two main parts to the Customer Details extension. The first is the overview which shows on the customer profile. This will show the customer's current point balance, tier, and the amount they would need to spend to reach the next tier (if there is one). The second is the customer actions modal. This is where you can take actions in Lantern for the customer, such as adding from their wallet, redeeming rewards, triggering earn events, and making manual adjustments.
Customer Details
To see the Lantern customer details scroll to the bottom of the customer's profile and look under the "Lantern" heading.
Customer Actions Modal
To access this modal press the "Lantern" action in the customer profile under the "Accepts marketing" toggle.
Available actions:
Redeem points
This is where you can use a customer's point balance to "purchase" a reward for them. This can be used to allow customer's to redeem in person to use on their in-store purchase.
Add from wallet
This allows the merchant to select from rewards a customer has already redeemed for or been given that are in their wallet.
Add adjustment
This allows the merchant to manually adjust a customer's loyalty points or spend. This can be useful for correcting a point balance, manually giving points as a customer service action, or to allow for manual overrides.
Add earn event
This action can be used by a merchant to manually mark a Lantern earn event as completed by the customer. This can be used for "Custom" earn event such as checking in at a store. It can also be used to see the list of completed earn events by the customer.
This will list the benefits the customer receives with their current loyalty tier.
Loyalty program membership
This shows the status of the customer's membership and will allow them to opt-into the program in person if they are not already a member.